Career opportunities in photography | फोटोग्राफी में करियर के अवसर
Career as a Photographer
About Photographer
A career as a Photographer is a blend of technical and artistic acumen. Photography is an art, and it needs a lot of practice and perseverance. Photographers produce images/ pictures that tell a specific story, give an internal message or record an event. With the rapid growth of the advertising and media sectors, the employment opportunities in photography witnessed a tremendous boost.
Here are the top 5 career opportunities in photography
1.Commercial/Industrial Photographer
Commercial/Industrial photographers capture images used for books, advertisements, catalogs, and wide media. They take pictures of a wide variety of objects and subjects, including models, landscapes, buildings, and merchandise. An industrial photographer might take pictures of machinery, workers, and other products that can be useful to workers in analyzing, public relations, and business strategies. Industrial photography takes place at the site of its use
2. Scientific Photographer
Scientific photographers document a variety of subjects in order to record experiments, illustrate technical information and bring to life images not normally visible to the eye. They often use special imaging techniques and equipment such as infrared photography, underwater photography and many more. Usually, scientific photographers work for government agencies, research facilities or universities.
3. Commercial Photographer
Commercial photography encompasses a range of photography careers that specialize in helping clients market their products or services. Commercial photographers take pictures of everything from buildings to merchandise to company employees, for media such as catalogs, advertisements and websites. In addition, they may document equipment or projects for company records and reports. This is often one of the more lucrative careers in photography.
4. Wedding photographer
Wedding photography is often considered the ideal choice for making a living out of capturing images. It covers three of the main points people look for in their career: It’s meaningful, pays well, and there is a high demand for it. Plus, you get to shoot photos people will treasure forever.
5. Travel photographer
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